Monday, November 17, 2008


Shelfari shelf, I have been having fun with Shelfari, loading books and sharing. I like this program because it has the book covers. I often remember the book by its cover.... I know the old saying....
but I really like this site
Here is the address:

Thursday, November 13, 2008


If I didn't already think my head was going to explode from information overload, Technorati may just push me over the top!
Seriously though, this is a great site, with lots and Lots and LOTS of information, all flashing in front of me at blinding speed. A great aggregate of the blogoshpere, if you really, really want to get an aggregate of the blogosphere!
I'm going to go sit in a dark room for a while..... and breathe slowly.

a nice little youtube I often listen to....
This song always makes me feel better!
Also, check out Chad Vader....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Bookshelf

Hey, is this cool or what?
My bookshelf, as you can see, now lives on my blog! I love all this stuff... I wish I had more time to play with these things!

Shelfari vs. Librarything, a cage match

So I'm comparing Shelfari and Librarything this morning, and I've got to say I prefer Shelfari. I've always like to look for books by the cover.... I know about the "judging" proverb.... but I love cover art and design. I'm one of those font geeks who actually looks at the verso of the cover page to see if there are notes about what font was used for a given book and the paper content, etc. I love books as objets d' art as well as actual things to read. Go figure, I'm in library school!
For that reason, I'm currently in love with Shelfari. I love the bookshelf concept, and I get to gaze fondly at the covers of books I've read, and books that I'd like to read. I invited some of my friends to the party, and I'm looking forward to hearing from them. One of my friends is 13, and he's into Stephanie Meyer right now, so I'm really interested in what he's reading. I enjoy SciFi and fantasy lit, but I'm behind the times on the current trends, so having friends who are reading different things is really cool.
A couple of classmates and I were discussing the SciFi/Fantasy options for literary criticism, and bemoaning the fact that, beyond the Hugo and Nebula awards, SciFi and Fantasy are largely a word-of-mouth type of genre as far as literary criticism. A lot of the more mainstream sources for popular fiction review don't really get the picture with SciFi/Fantasy. Anyone got any ideas on where to find a reliable critical source? That being said, the word of mouth thing is really interesting and can take up hours of gushing conversation!

Sold on Mozilla Firefox

Good Morning,
So, I was having trouble with my email the other day, having just switched carriers, and had to call the new company's help desk. On advice from the very helpful (thank the heavens) help desk person, I switched to Mozilla Firefox. I love it! So fast and easy to use, and, of course, as you may have noticed from other posts, free.
I'm so tight I squeak.... and I'm a full time grad student, single mom and new owner of a third cat....(they sure are hungry when they show up on your doorstep and sit out in the rain crying to come in, go figure).
In any case, Mozilla is lightning fast and I love the tabbed browsing, which is much more responsive than my old program.
In other news, I feel like a rock star, I picked up a "follower". Shout out to you, you know who you are classics reader. I often feel like I'm sending the proverbial message in a bottle when blogging and that my posts are those that only an instructor can love, so thanks for the shot in the arm! I follow your posts, which are far more interesting than mine!
More on Flickr and mash-ups later.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Library Thing expands

I was just doing my morning reading of the LJ website when I spotted this article about Library Thing expanding its reviewing for libraries. Looks interesting.....
Here is the link: